God's Existence

Peter is a devoted Christian who trust in God with all his heart. One day, he went to a barber shop(well, we know what is the purpose) in a street. When he entered the barber shop, there is a big, tall and fierce looking person and actually he is the barber. So, Peter sat down and had his cut session. During the cut, Peter told the barber, "God loves you." But, the barber angrily replied him, "I'm an atheist and I didn't believe the existence of god!!!" John continued, "why?" The barber told peter, " If there is God, why we still have war and hurting in this world? Is He care about us? " Peter stunt for awhile looked at the big, tall, and raging barber and he did not brave enough to continue his speech. After the cut, Peter walked out from the barber shop and saw a beggar with long beard and hair. Peter quickly ran into the barber shop again and yelled, " There is no barber!!! " The Barber get mad by Peter and replied, " I'm the barber! What is your problem?!!!! " Peter answered, " If You are the barber, why you did not help to cut the hair of the beggar out there?!! " " How can I help him if he doesn't come to me??!!! ", said the barber. So, Peter told the barber, " Same as God. Human are created to worship the Lord and because the absence of God and rejection by the men, that is why we have war, violence and hurting in this world. He loves you and everyone and we all need Him. " Sometimes, our faith was shaken by science which trying to prove the inexistence of God. But think of this, If men evolved from the apes or monkeys (according to Darwin's theory) then why there are still apes and monkeys? Why every creatures have two sexual gender? Why we have the desire and trying so hard to find the origin of Ours? Actually, men is created in the purpose of God. Of course, some of the things is beyond our imagination and unsolveable and that proves the power of God who goes beyond what human can think of. For the past 2000 years, Jesus came down to the earth and gave His life for you through His crucification. Think of it? A King from Heaven descend to Earth and died in a shameful and disgraceful way? It's because He tryin' to prove that He love us and willing to give His life for us. Last but not least, reflect and ask yourself, " What is my purpose of life? "


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